
Monday, June 6, 2011

Sloppy (& Delicious!) Lentil Sandwich

We have been so lucky lately. I'm crossing my fingers & toes that this beautiful sunny weather continues! I haven't been wanting to spend much time in the house, so most of our meals have been quick and easy and on the grill. Check out this gorgous beast. We just retired our old barbecue and this is Derek's new toy.

It was so sunny today, I couldn't get a shot without some serious reflections!
Check out my deck ~ hehe.

I was feeling pooped after a long day at work and I wanted something fabulous, yet easy for dinner. Angela posted a homemade barbecue sauce on her site today that (a) made my mouthwater instantly :-); (b) made me want to run home and make my very own barbecue sauce ~ dad, aren't you proud ?!; and (c) made me remember a very expensive container of organic barbecue sauce I bought that I was dying to try, but have left sitting in my pantry for many, many days.

Check it out.

This stuff is GOO-OOD!!
The true test will be to see if Derek likes it. He claims to be a connoisseur of all things grilled.

So after a quick check to see what I had on hand, I quickly got to work. I started out with one of my fave foods; a sweet potato. I peeled it and cut it into slices. 

Then I tossed the potato slices with 1/2 tsp of coconut oil (canola or olive oil would work), a pinch of sea salt and a large pinch of spicy Mrs. Dash.

I cooked these on the barbecue grill. I used medium heat, but didn't keep a close eye on the time. I would guestimate that they cooked 7 or 8 minutes per side.

Along with the potato slices, I did a foil packet of chopped onions and green peppers.

Why would I cook up some onions & peppers you might ask? Well I needed something fabulous to top my barbecue lentil sandwich of course! I got the inspiration from Ange's barbecue post and put my own personal spin on it :-)

You'll have to forgive me because I didn't measure anything today, so I'm just going to give you a quick rundown on how I assembled my sandwich. First of all, I drained and rinsed one can of lentils and dumped them into a small pot.I then mixed in some of my new favourite barbecue sauce. This mixture was warmed up on the stove until heated through.

Now here comes the fun part....the building of this sloppy sandwich. I used a toasted English muffin as my bun. To assemble my sandwich I layered baby spinach, a couple scoops of the lentil mixture followed by the onion/pepper mixture.

Oh man! This sandwich was awesome, but sooooo sloppy. It was already starting to fall apart as I snapped my final pic.

It still tasted amazing and I was able to chow down on all the lost fillings with a fork. It doesn't matter that I had barbecue sauce in places and on furniture where barbecue sauce should never be :-) Oh well, it's cleaned up now and if you don't tell anyone, I won't either ~ it'll be our little secret!

This dinner was so awesome, took about 15 minutes to throw together and satisfied this vegetarian's craving for some true barbecue flavour! I loved it and can't wait for my leftovers tomorrow. Only, next time I'm going to try putting the filling into a wrap. I'm going to be at work after all and I need to at least give the appearance that I can eat neatly and politely!

What is your favourite barbecue sauce? Have you ever made your own?
Have you been able to get out and enjoy some of this fabulous weather or are you the type that loves to sit by the air conditioning and keep cool ~ if I had A/C I might be tempted to join you!

Happy Tuesday,



  1. Why have I not thought of lentils w/ bbq??? That looks awesome. (Can you tell I'm a bbq lover?)

  2. oooh I need a BBQ sauce without HFCS... that is my new goal right now - your sloppy lentil sandwich looks amaaazing! <3

    happy grilling!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  3. What a fun bag for the bbq sauce?! Fun packaging always makes me like the product more. I am the person that advertising is made for. :)

    I haven't ever made my own bbq sauce but it has been on my to-do list for some time.

  4. You're totally right about the packaging! This cost me $7 and there was another organic BBQ sauce for $4 right beside it, but I need to get Dad's!!
