Hiya! So I am well into week 1 of my 15 Week Transformation and so far things are good.
I did my first official weigh-in early Saturday morning before my first cup o' joe and then it was full steam ahead.
I've never been a person to track calories, nutrition stats, etc. but I have decided to use My Fitness Pal to track what I'm eating. I want to reduce the amount of calories I'm eating in a day and more importantly what I find really helps when tracking my eats is seeing the reality of how many calories I consume in a day - sometimes that number can be kinda shocking!!! I love that My Fitness Pal offers a phone app because I use it constantly! It's great for meal planning and for deterring me from picking up a great big slice of pizza for lunch!!
My goals this week are pretty simple:
(1) Drink 48oz/day of water;
(2) Workout 4 -5 days with one of those days including some strength training;
(3) Add some yoga into my mornings to help relax and prepare me for the stressful workday;
(4) Eat well everyday!!
I've stocked my fridge with tons of healthy options, so here's some of the eats I'll be enjoying this week:
*eggs & egg whites
*lots of fresh produce - right now raspberries, cherries, cukes, zucchini, peaches, plums & green beans are in season - I stopped at a local orchard yesterday and loaded up!!!
*brown rice
* salads - one salad a day is the goal --- check out my Salad A Day Pinterest board
*Greek yogourt - I totally {swoon} over coconut
*protein shakes - I have Vega and Body by Vi right now and lots of frozen berries & mangoes to use
*veggie sausages
M - undecided between zumba and a circuit I've been wanting to do
T - spin
W - yoga
T - zumba
F - rest
S - run day (at the beach!!!!)
*Somewhere in there I also need to fit in some strength training*
So that's my week in a nutshell. At the end of the week, I'll let you know how I did!
Do you have any plans or goals in the works right now?
Have a great day!!
Amen to that!!!